Expert Slide and Photo Scanning Since 2002.
4,000 ppi Scanning and Premium Photoshop
Editing On Every Scan. Still 39¢ most slides.
We also can make PRINTS from your Slides.
Expert Slide and Photo Scanning Since 2002.
4,000 ppi Scanning and Premium Photoshop
Editing On Every Scan. Still 39¢ most slides.
We also can make PRINTS from your Slides.
View-Master Reel Order Form Click Here
you have Personal, Non-Copyright protected View-Master Reels that
you would like to be able to view on your TV or computer, we can convert
your personal View-Master Reels to individual images.
(Please note that we will not scan any copyright
protected View-Master Reels. These will include any commercial
reels, travel reels or cartoon reels. Don't send them to us because we
will not scan them under any circumstances. They have to be
personal, family View-Master reels.)
We have a scanning station specifically set up to scan the view-master reels.
The VM reel has 7 sets of films, one set of two for your left and right eyes. The camera used to take the 3D films has two lenses and they represent what your right eye and left eye would see.Just like your eyes, the pictures are slightly different. Cover one eye and then cover the other. You see two different views of the same scene. When you put the reel into a viewer, your eyes put the two films together and the appearance is of 3D.
The difference between the two films is not a lot but it is enough for the effect. There is just not that much difference to need to scan both films in a set. If we did, we would have to double the price for scanning. Right now, the price is $15 a reel. That includes scanning and overall Photoshop editing of each scan.
The films have rounded corners and, if you want us to crop off the corners, you will get a smaller image than you would if you asked for cropping to preserve the full film. When we crop we try to get everyone in the picture. sometimes we include a corner to make sure no one is cropped out. We can use our judgement or you can request them all to to include corners.
Note the films that get scanned. Many people have their films falling out of the cardboard reels because the glue holding them in has aged. If a film is missing in the slot where we scan, you will get an empty scan. We have no way of gluing films back into the reels. Do not bend the reels.
The films are small. The cameras, in many cases, were not great or had poor lenses. The colors of many of the films we see are fading and might have mold or mildew. We Photoshop edit each scan to tweak the image and try to give you the best transfer possible. We do magic and not miracles. Our competition, in every case we have tested, does not give you this type of service. They give you just a base scan. We treat your scans like they were our scans and family history.
We have been a home-based business since 2002. You might get a cheaper price from a factory scanning outfit with hourly paid workers who are just putting in their time, but you will not get our expertise and dedication.
About Our Company Copyright 2024 |
Email: Click Here After hours you will get a quicker response by using email. We answer email at ALL hours. Telephone messages are replied to during business hours. Affordable Scanning Services LLC 400 Bittersweet Lane Waupun, WI 53963 |